Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom Teeth

Your wisdom teeth are your third molars. Not everybody will form wisdom teeth. In the past, our diets resulted in a lot of wear of our teeth. However, with our modern diets, our teeth don’t wear at anything near the rate at which they did in the past. Also there is an evolutionary trend for smaller jaw sizes. As a result, there is rarely enough room for the third molars when they try to erupt into the mouth. Lower teeth usually erupt inwards and forward and so the wisdom teeth frequently are wedged (impacted) behind the second molars when they are only partly erupted.

The Problems With Impacted Wisdom Teeth

The gum over a wisdom tooth frequently becomes infected. This is a recurring problem and each episode often becoming more severe and painful.

As it is impossible to clean the partly erupted tooth; they frequently decay and may lead to an abscessed tooth. Consequently, as their hygiene is compromised, the back of the second molar may also start to decay. Occasionally, the pressure of the wisdom tooth against the second molar will dissolve (resorb) the back of the second molar. Un-erupted teeth have the potential to produce a bony cyst.

If any of these situations occur, or if it appears that there may not be sufficient room for your wisdom teeth, it will be suggested they be removed. Orthodontists frequently request wisdom teeth to be removed in case they place any pressure on the recently straightened teeth.

Wisdom teeth are much easier to remove in younger people. If they are relatively simple, we are happy to remove them under local anaesthetic in our office. On the other hand, if there is a degree of difficulty, or if you would be more comfortable with the procedure being done under general anaesthetic, a day surgery visit can be arranged.

Pain and Discomfort

You will be prescribed adequate pain relief. Pain usually starts to decrease after the second day. However, some people still need pain relief for a week. If the pain does not lessen, please let us know.

Control Of Bleeding

You can apply pressure over the area of bleeding by biting gently on a piece of cotton gauze. The pressure helps stop bleeding and a blood clot forms. It is important not to disturb the area or bleeding may start again. The gums may ooze blood slightly for a day after surgery. Any bleeding should stop by the second day. If bleeding does not stop, please contact us.


Swelling almost always occurs after surgery and severity can vary. Most swelling takes four to five days to go down completely. Applying ice packs on the cheeks can reduce swelling.

Difficulty In Opening The Mouth

Pain or discomfort when opening the mouth is common after removal of a wisdom tooth. This usually goes away within a few days.


It is important to rinse well after eating. Any food forced into the socket can lead to an infection. If you notice any swelling or pain developing after the initial healing, any pus formation or experience any fever please contact us immediately.

Dry Socket

After the wisdom tooth is removed, a blood clot will form in the socket. This clot is important for proper healing and relief of pain. If the blood clot is washed away or dissolves, the bone will be exposed. This may be painful and, after 48 hours, can be accompanied by a bad taste. If this occurs, please contact us. It is simple to treat.

For the day of surgery, do not rinse out your mouth or spit with force. This can loosen the blood clot and may slow healing.

After the first day you can rinse your mouth very gently with warm salt water. Rinse three times per day. This will help healing, reduce swelling and pain, and reduce the risk of infection.

For the day of surgery, do not brush your teeth around the area of surgery.

Lip Sores

While the tooth is being removed, pressure or stretching of the lip by the surgical instruments may cause bruises or small sores. They usually heal without any problems. These lip sores are not common.

If you are having any pain or issues with your wisdom teeth, or to have yours inspected, contact our friendly team to arrange a consultation.

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.